Using the Eggcartn chicken tractor was SO easy!!!! Easy to move, easy to hose out and safe for chickens! The panels store easily and install easy for winter.  8 is max in for the big chicken tractor in my experience. I did free range most of the day. 

You had many options to choose from. What made you decide to buy from Egg Cart’n? The best design. No rot materials. Quality workmanship and materials

If we had not moved to northern Michigan I would still be using them. We have too much snow here to be practical for winter time use. Have considered buying one for the rest of the year keep hoping someone will have a used on for sale but have not seen one. We had no trouble selling ours. We had two of them. The big egg cartn not the chalet style. 

The only story I can think of is not really a story but observation. Getting the second one allowed for integration of new chickens with out the pecking when I opened both tractors the girls all went in one. There would be many uses for having a second one: sick hens,raising baby chicks or introducing adult hens to flock.  They posture and challenge each other, throw the bottom of the tractor,when I saw the challenging cease I opened the door. 

Even now I miss the ease of using your chicken tractor!!!!!