the chalet sideview

About Egg Cart’n

Get ready to join a backyard farming revolution! Not convinced? Let’s explore how the Egg Cart’n chicken tractor changes everything!

Reuniting the Family

Egg Cart’n brings the family together. Egg Cart’n chicken tractors hold just the right number of hens to provide a daily supply of fresh eggs for your small household. It teaches responsibility and companionship that comes with caring for animals while providing eggs for you and your family. This would not be possible without time and energy coupled with quality materials that have been put into engineering these best-quality chicken tractors.

orange and black rooster

Bringing Success with Egg Cart’n

Egg Cart’n has always cared about producing quality products that meet your needs as directly and promptly as possible. We’d hate to see people buying chicken tractors that will not last or serve their needs. With Egg Cart’n, your family can get products that help you achieve more sustainable healthy lifestyles by exploiting and supporting the richness of your own backyard.

Choose Your Egg Cart’n

The Egg Cart’n Story

Creating a quality product that serves its purpose well does not just happen overnight. There have been many years of experimenting and engineering that have made Egg Cart’n what it is today. Everything from the inspiration of a daughter, a trip to Belgium, and advice from homeschool events gave the founder, David Yoder, the knowledge and inspiration he needed to make the product what it is today.

Hard Work Pays Off

David Yoder first found interest in making poultry housing when his daughter decided she wanted to raise chickens. Seeing a need for improvements in the chicken tractor category, he decided to try it. He built his first chicken tractor while visiting some friends in Belgium. They had a chicken tractor for meat birds, but it was too heavy to move easily. David made them a chicken tractor that they were very pleased with, which was only the beginning of a journey in developing and perfecting his own chicken tractor models.

A Backyard Marvel is Born

The first meat bird chicken tractor that David made in Belgium was about four and a half times the size of his current chicken tractors. David made substantial changes to his chicken tractors over time. He made his first Egg Cart’n Classic model in 2004, and since then, he’s made a lot of improvements to make assembly, shipping, and using easier. Not only did he make improvements to the Classic Model, but he has also experimented with different types of models. Having a variety of models ensures that you can get the model that fits you best and ensures that Egg Cart’n reaches a variety of people in the backyard farming community.

Eggs For the Win!

David wanted to make products that improve the lives of chicken owners like you. After advertising at a home school event, he found out he could cater to a broader crowd of backyard farmers if he changed his focus. Instead of making chicken tractors for meat birds, he started designing a convenient chicken tractor for egg-laying hens. This major focus shift from mass-meat production to backyard poultry has had a more significant impact than David knew was possible. His innovative, convenient chicken tractors give a new name to backyard chicken farming. Besides giving your chickens shelter, David’s Egg Cart’n chicken tractors make your life easier.

Making it Move

David’s biggest challenge in building chicken tractors was figuring out how to move them safely and conveniently. He wanted the process of moving the chicken tractor to no longer be a chore. The first lift system he built had a manual latch and unlatch system, but he realized he had to make it at least semi-automatic to make it convenient and safe. After many attempts, he finally developed a simple lift and latch system that was safe and easy to use. Through battling the issues that arose, he designed a unique, innovative wheel lift system that has improved the lives of many chicken farmers.

Happy Surprises

Even amidst the challenges that David faced in creating the chicken tractor “done right,” he encountered many pleasant surprises. In developing and marketing chicken tractors, he found himself part of a community passionate about sustainable, natural lifestyles. He was grateful to find this community and hopes that you and many others catch and spread the vision to give and receive from the earth as we were intended to do.

Moving Forward

David is now reaching retirement age, but he does not want his vision and values to end with his retirement. The next generation of business leaders is now picking up where David left off. Together, we share the same goals and visions that David has held throughout his career in engineering chicken tractors. David trusts that as the business grows and expands, the same values of quality products and bringing the family together will continue and expand with the business.
(pictured is the founder David Yoder, left, and current owner Harry Shenk, right)

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